dallas homeless animals

Our deepest thanks…

The Tiny Dog Calendar contest was a resounding success this year and we owe it all to YOU, the kind supporters who purchased over $19,700 votes (at $1 each!) to make it happen for 13 lucky dogs.

We’re putting the calendar in to production and sales will open up soon –just in time for holiday gift shopping.

So where does the money go?  Each fall, local animal rescue groups are encouraged to submit a simple one page form for a grant to help fund their programs. The money can be used by them for vet bills, spay and neuter programs, housing for homeless pets and other important initiatives that benefit local rescue animals.  So if you’re a part of a north Texas 501(c)3 and you’d like to apply for an Artist for Animals community grant watch this site for details.

And in the meantime, congratulate our winners!!

votes FINAL 2019

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The competition is HOT for a spot…

in our Tiny Dog Calendar for 2020. We’re raising votes ($1 at a time!) for the homeless pets in north Texas. Every dollar counts!

25 beautiful dogs were photographed for this year’s contest, but only 13 earn a space in the calendar, so as voting continues during the month of August we are inching towards our goal of $20,000 for Artists for Animals community grants for 2019.  100% of your voting dollars go to the fund and animal rescue groups from the north Texas area apply for grants with a simple one page form.


Our mission is simple. To help raise funds for a variety of hard-working nonprofit groups in our area. Volunteers who give up their free time and energy pulling dogs off the streets, healing sick and wounded pets, vetting and re-homing and offering spay and neuter services to break the cycle of homelessness.  Many of these groups are small and dedicated, but lack the time and funds to hold their own fundraising events –and they need our support.

Here is today’s tally:

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Please help us by throwing a few votes our way?  See all the contestants and VOTE HERE.

And they’re off…..

It’s time to vote in our annual Tiny Dog Calendar Contest for Artists for Animals Community Grants.  We have 25 dogs in the race and only 13 spots, so we’re selling votes!  Each vote is $1 (100% of the voting proceeds go to the grant fund) and you can buy as many votes as you wish and as often as you like — UNTIL August 31st at midnight. 

Teresa Berg Photography creates portraits for all of the dogs in the contest and designs and publishes the calendar annually to raise money to support the AFA Community Grants program. In this way, AFA can help raise money for a variety of initiatives across the north Texas region.  Rescue groups are encouraged to fill out the grant proposal form each fall and the AFA board votes to give grants based on need and the type of project they are working on. Last year $18,000 was raised and given as $2000 grants to 9 different animal rescue charities.

The link to view the contestants and purchase your tax-deductible votes is here.  So buy some votes and help Artists for Animals save some lives! 


So many thanks…

Our 2019 Concert for Kindness was a big success — thanks to our wonderful donors, art lovers, musicians, artists, music lovers and the many volunteers who worked on this event.  We raised over $68,000 in total –and because we have no salaries or overhead, that money all goes to saving more cats and dogs!


Our hearts are full as we plan for future events. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Young artists and the Concert for Kindness

We made a visit to Kyle Clark’s Advanced Drawing Class at Booker T. Washington School for the Visual and Performing Arts as we do on a regular basis, and as usual were completely amazed.  The creative energy of these wonderful young artists makes every minute there an real treat.  The artwork they are doing for this year’s Concert for Kindness Silent Auction is nearing completion and so beautiful.

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Thank you!

Our Tiny Dog Calendar contest is complete and we sold a record number 15,695 votes!  This money will be distributed via grants to a variety of local animal rescue groups within the next couple of months.  This is how we all save lives and help relieve overcrowding in local area shelters — SO THANK YOU FOR YOUR VOTES- and congratulations to our winners!

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If you’re a member of an animal rescue group in the north Texas area and would like to apply for a grant, please email us at artistsforanimalstx@gmail.com  with the subject line that reads: GRANT PROPOSAL REQUEST and we will email you the appropriate form!

the winner


Voting Update!


Voting is almost half over and we’re a whisker away from 6000 votes!  What’s your voting strategy?  Waiting until the last minute might and then spending the whole amount? That might sound like the thing to do, but you’re voting blind that last evening and hanging back doesn’t incentivize the pack!

If some of our dogs in the middle of the race think they’ve “got it made” they might not try as hard — and we all need a dangling carrot (um, er, bone?) once in a while.  So why not do half now and save half for the finish line?

Whatever your strategy, we’re so very grateful for your support — and may the best dogs win!

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Artists for Animals Concert alert!

trio in the sky

Artists for Animals presents Mozart in the Sky, a fundraiser concert event featuring Trio Kavanah. All ticket sales and donations go to animal charities in North Texas.

Filmed in 360° and recorded in surround by Samsung VR. Music by Mozart, Harbison, del Aguila, and Stravinsky. Live from the geo-deck on top of Reunion Tower. Sep 9 at 7 PM.

Use this link to purchase your tickets:  https://triokavanah.com/mozart